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Vee, full name Vee Version 1 or Vee V1, is one of the 27 playable Toons in Dandy's World, added on June 14th, 2024. She is also one of the 6 playable Main Characters and can be purchased in Dandy's Store.
Vee may be the best Toon at extracting, however Toons with 5 Statistics Star Skill Checks like Shelly or Gigi may actually out-speed her in some cases. However, it comes at the cost of being the worst at surviving aside from Shrimpo. It's recommended to use Veeability Mic Check to plan out the safest route to the Machine highlighted by Camera Hijack. Even then, Veeability Mic Check cooldown might make this unreliable, although it does grant all Toons helpful information in the process. Glisten can fill in for Vee as an alternative, as Glisten's 5 Statistics Star Extraction Speed will also make him a viable option if you're looking to play Survivalist and not Supporter and can handle Glisten's 2 Statistics Star Skill Check in comparison to Vee's 4 Statistics Star.
Vee is best used on a team, where there are other players working to distract the Twisteds. Having Astro with you if using Vee can be useful, as Astro may also be a good choice to stay with Vee since Astro's high Stealth allows him to support Vee in stamina while avoiding chase with Twisteds. Her extremely high Extraction Speed allows the group to beat a floor quickly, provided she's alive to make use of it. Supports like Goob can distract Twisteds and pull her from danger. Astro, to keep her Stamina high may help Vee more than the average Toon, as they ensure her main weakness of low survivability is covered and let her focus solely on machines. Vee can use Veeability Mic Check to help her teammates in return, granting valuable information.
Most Vee players struggle to not get hit by Twisteds. Before extracting a machine, make sure to look for nearby islands, preferably 2 just incase, but 1 works. Then extract your machine. While extracting it is recommended to activate sprint just incase. When a Twisted appears and sees you, immediately use the island and lose interest. This tip may seem common but it's actually pretty rare to remember. (Note: If something is wrong with my grammar pls fix it, then delete this message. Thanks!)
In terms of items, Vee should mainly focus on items that help her stay alive. As a Main Character, Vee should only take Bandages and not Health Kits so the extra healing isn't wasted, unless if Vee is solo or it's only Main Characters where Health Kits should be taken as well. Stamina-restoring Items are also a big help to Vee, as her Stamina is average, and she'll need to sprint often to combat her low Movement Speed.
Vee is a pistachio green TV with a black screen. She has two black antennae topped with gray spheres, with her left antennae being bent in a sort of zigzag line while the other is straight. Her facial features are lime green with a confident smirk on her face. Her torso is the same color as her TV head, while her bow tie is a slightly more vivid shade of lime green.
Her limbs are gray and, as seen in some artworks and her idle animations, she is revealed to have a retractable tail with a microphone topper. The microphone has a dark green handle with a gray grill. During Blackouts, she gives off a green glow. When hit by a twisted, a blue error screen appears on her.
Vee is a straightforward Toon who sometimes acts arrogant and shows off her superiority, as seen in some of her dialogues and interactions. She subtly shows some dislike towards Dandy in some of her dialogues. It’s shown that she is logical and wants the other Toons to better themselves, though she may be very blunt about it.
She also seems to not express much emotion other than being unamused for the most part, yet showing confidence. She has trouble complimenting others without coming off as backhanded, as shown in one of her interactions with Brightney. She also seems to tend to have a dismissive nature when she interacts with most Toons. Despite being arrogant, she shows a soft spot for Astro.
Though Vee comes off as straightforward and blunt, she shows hints that she cares for the other Toons and wants the best for them.
Vee has a lot of good Trinket combinations. Some of them are:
► Pink Bow/Speedy Shoes (Survivability)
► Vee benefits a lot from speed boosts, as it compensates for her low base speed. This combination makes her run faster than 3 Statistics Star Movement Speed characters, such as Boxten. (This makes her Run Speed 25.4025, which is slightly faster but doesn't really prove any difference)
► Participation Award/Magnifying Glass (Extraction)
► Participation Award boosts Skill Check chance, letting Magnifying Glass proc more often. Vee doesn't have to worry much about hitting Skill Checks due to her high stat in it.
► Pink Bow/Vanity Mirror (Movement Speed)
► If you wish to have a permanent run speed boost, Pink Bow is your option to be faster than most of the average Twisteds' speed. If you wish to use them as an emergency or situations where you struggle to escape, Vanity Mirror can help balance the escape chances back to normal, at a higher rate of speed.
► None of these speed Trinkets can escape Twisted Pebble by singularly themselves, so keep note of your distance while in a closed space. Using her Stealth is your advantage to waste a Twisted's time tracking you.
► It is not recommended to use extraction-based Trinkets on Vee as she completes machines faster than the normal Toon.
►There are currently 23 playable Toons and 4 unobtainable Toons.
►This makes a total of 27 Toons.
►All playable Toons have an associated Twisted, along with Dandy.
►All Mains currently have no intro cards.
►All Mains have an interaction with each other.
►All Toons have a total of 15 stars, split between their 5 stats.
►All Main Toons have an additional star, bringing their total stars to 16 between their 5 stats.
►However, they only have 2 hearts.