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Dandy's World Twisteds

Twisteds are the primary antagonists in Dandy's World. They are grotesque, corrupted versions of the game's Toons, having been twisted and transformed by Ichor.

Their sole objective is to hunt and eliminate players as they navigate through various floors. Each Twisted is a unique, often dangerous threat, with mechanics that mirror or distort the abilities of their Toon counterparts.

The presence of Twisteds challenges players with a variety of hazards, forcing them to adapt and survive.

👫 Behavior 👫

Every round will start with two Twisteds per floor, and the number will increase depending on the number of floors reached and the amount of players alive in Dandy's World.

Twisteds are categorized into five rarities in Dandy's World: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Main Character Twisteds, and Lethal Twisteds, with each rarity weighted differently based on the current floor number. Common Twisteds possess no special abilities and usually reflect the statistical build of their Toon counterpart. Uncommon Twisteds may have special abilities, though none pose an immediate threat to the player; rather, they introduce a more subtle danger to the game. Rare Twisteds, on the other hand, have abilities that directly threaten the player. Main Character Twisteds are unique threats, interacting with the player in ways that stand apart from the regular Twisteds. As of now, there is only one Lethal TwistedTwisted Dandy—which will kill the player in one strike, no matter the player’s current health.

Most Twisteds can be found roaming the halls of the Gardenview Center, aimlessly wandering the floors. When they spot a player, they will initiate a chase. A chase can be stopped if the player remains out of sight long enough or if the Twisted successfully makes contact with the player. A successful attack from a Twisted usually deals one heart of damage, and after the attack, the Twisted will pause for a few moments, allowing the player a chance to escape. Roaming Twisteds will also be attracted to failed skill checks; if nearby, they will move toward the noise source as if chasing the player. However, they won't behave this way if they’re already engaged in a chase.

All roaming Twisteds have various attributes, including Speed (whether chasing or roaming), Detection Range (which is also influenced by the player’s Stealth stat), and Attention Span (determining how long the Twisted will continue to chase once the player is out of line of sight).

Some Twisteds are stationary and cannot chase players, but instead rely on traps that can either deceive players or obstruct their movement. These Twisteds also deal one heart of damage if they successfully attack, but they must have line of sight to the player.

A random Twisted will appear on the Board at 12am GMT, and for the next 24 hours, it will have increased chances to appear throughout the game.

When the player triggers a chase or encounters a stationary Twisted, they are given five tapes, which will contribute to their Research progress with that specific Twisted by 5% (or 10% if playing as Rodger).

Common Twisteds

Common Twisteds have a spawn rate of 75 on a given floor.

Twisted Boxten

Twisted Boxten

Twisted Boxten is a roaming, average Twisted with no special abilities, similar to Twisted Poppy and Twisted Cosmo. With typical speed, detection range, and attention span, Twisted Boxten is not exceptionally dangerous but still poses a threat.

If Boxten spots you, it's crucial to avoid his line of sight to stay safe. Maintain 40-70 stamina to outrun him, especially in later levels where consistent chases are more common. Running out of stamina can make you vulnerable to being caught.

"One of the most common Twisteds you'll encounter. Overcome by Ichor, Boxten is driven by an instinct to chase Toons, yet lacks any special abilities to help in this pursuit." - Twisted Research

Twisted Cosmo

Twisted Cosmo

Twisted Cosmo, a roaming Twisted, shares many characteristics with Twisted Boxten and Twisted Poppy, lacking any special abilities. Known for average speed, detection range, and attention span, Cosmo requires a strategic approach to avoid.

When Cosmo detects you, it's best to hide or escape quickly. Ensure your stamina is preserved to escape his pursuit. Like Boxten and Poppy, Cosmo’s challenge comes from relentless chasing and an inability to assist himself with powerful abilities.

"One of the most common Twisteds you'll encounter. Driven by Ichor and isolation, Cosmo seeks to chase down Toons but lacks distinct abilities that make him more dangerous." - Twisted Research

Twisted Poppy

Twisted Poppy

Twisted Poppy, like her counterparts Boxten and Cosmo, is a roaming Twisted with no special abilities, making her an average foe in terms of speed and awareness.

To survive Poppy's pursuit, avoid her sight and manage your stamina efficiently. Although she doesn’t have abilities to enhance her chasing ability, being caught is still risky in many scenarios.

"One of the most common Twisteds you'll encounter. Overcome by Ichor, Poppy naturally follows the urge to chase, but doesn't possess any special skills that help in her pursuit." - Twisted Research

Twisted Looey

Twisted Looey

Twisted Looey stands out from the average Twisteds with superior detection and attention span due to his height. Unlike many others, Looey’s increased sight range and persistent attention make him a more formidable opponent.

Keep a greater distance from Looey compared to common Twisteds. His enhanced physical changes, including his taller stature, allow him to track players more efficiently than others.

"Although Looey is more common, his larger physique grants him an advantage over other Twisteds, allowing him to detect Toons from further away and maintain focus during the chase." - Twisted Research

Twisted Shrimpo

Twisted Shrimpo

Twisted Shrimpo is slower than most Twisteds but compensates with heightened attention span. Even when out of sight, he will relentlessly pursue his target.

Despite being slower, Shrimpo’s persistent nature and longer attention span make him dangerous over extended periods. Maintaining distance is key, as he doesn’t stop until far away enough.

"Although slower, Shrimpo has a heightened attention span that makes him more dangerous. His slower pace makes his pursuit persistent—if you fall behind, it could be your last mistake." - Twisted Research

Twisted Tisha

Twisted Tisha

Twisted Tisha is an interesting Twisted with no special abilities but a unique trait—she tends to idle and can camp areas like machines, making her a strategic obstacle.

If you encounter Tisha around a machine, distract her away to avoid interference, or wait for her to move before proceeding. Tisha’s random idle behavior can be an annoyance in solo runs where other distractors are not present.

"A commonly encountered Twisted who often idles while cleaning floors. Interrupting her work may provoke a challenge, but utilizing her patterns can keep you safe." - Twisted Research

Uncommon Twisteds

Uncommon Twisteds have a spawn rate of 25 on a given floor.

Twisted Brightney

Twisted Brightney is a roaming Twisted easily made visible by her red glow, which can be seen even through walls. Reflecting her luminous counterpart, her special ability increases the chance of a Blackout occurring on any floor she appears on by re-rolling the blackout chance once if one does not occur.

"A more uncommon Twisted, Brightney uses her knowledge and cunning to tamper with the lighting system, increasing the chance of a Blackout occurring on the Floor she resides in. Be sure to come prepared if this happens!" - Twisted Research

Twisted Finn

Twisted Finn is a roaming Twisted who is easier to track due to the trail of Ichor behind him. When finishing a machine on the same floor as this twisted, you gain SlowSlow (III) for 6 seconds. It's best noted you finish the machine closest to the elevator, as SlowSlow (III) can be a big threat in the long run.

"This Twisted is filled to the brim with Ichor and uncontrolled vigor. Finn makes up for his lack of mobility by dousing Toons who have recently completed Machines in Ichor, greatly slowing their movement. Check your surroundings before completing Machines!" - Twisted Research

Twisted Teagan

Twisted Teagan is a roaming Twisted similar to other Twisteds who wander the halls aimlessly. Reflecting her Toon counterpart's ability, she will steal a fourth or an eighth of your Tapes depending on how many you have when she hits you, while also being slightly faster than the average Twisted.

"A more uncommon Twisted Teagan has let her greed take over. This twisted will steal a considerable amount of a Toon's Tapes when she attacks them. Be sure to spend your tapes while you have them!" - Twisted Research

Twisted Razzle & Dazzle

Twisted Razzle & Dazzle are a pair of fused-together, stationary Twisteds that will spawn in a random location on the floor, sitting in an idle state encircled by red, vine-like tendrils. While they are in this idle state, they are harmless and the player can freely walk within their circle, even venturing as close as they'd like to the sitting Twisteds.

If a player runs within the circle, their hostile state will activate. Upon spotting a player, they will cause vines to shoot up from the ground underneath the player, stabbing at their feet and causing one heart's worth of damage. If 15 seconds pass without a player entering the circle during their hostile state, they will return to their idle position.

Twisted Razzle & Dazzle requires line of sight with the player to deal damage, so any object or wall between them and the player will prevent them from attacking. However, they do not require line of sight to become hostile, and they will remain hostile for a couple of seconds until they return to their idle state once again. Triggering their hostile state without being in their line of sight does not give tapes - you must be in their line of sight while they are in their hostile state for any period of time to be awarded tapes. If you are in their line of sight while they are hostile, you can quickly exit the circle or break line of sight without taking damage.

"Be sure to tread lightly around this Twisted, or you will regret it. This Twisted will wake up and attack Toons that sprint past. If left undisturbed they will fall back asleep. Walk slow and cautiously around them." - Twisted Research

Twisted Rodger

Twisted Rodger is a stationary Twisted that will spawn in a random location on the floor. Reflecting the investigative nature of his counterpart, he disguises himself as a fake Research Capsule to trick players into activating him.

Upon player interaction with this fake Research Capsule, the player will have the debuffs ConfusedConfused (III) and SlowSlow (III) applied to them, and Rodger will spawn out of the ground and begin charging an attack from his magnifying glass eye. After a short charge time, he will shoot a beam from his eye and inflict one heart's worth of damage to the player. If he does not spot a player for several seconds, he will sink back into the ground and become a fake Research Capsule once again.

Like Twisted Razzle & Dazzle, he requires line of sight to attack the player. His attack is also easy to outrange, which will also cause him to lose interest.

Twisted Rodger's fake Research Capsule can be easily distinguished from a real Research Capsule. If there is nothing in the middle of the capsule or if there are no safety strips on the capsule, it is fake. If there are film strips wrapped around the center, it is real. There can only be one fake Research Capsule per floor.

Twisted Connie

Twisted Connie is a new Twisted. It starts out as a friendly blue apparition, slowly moving from a point of the map to a random Machine on the map. Once reaching a Machine, she will possess the Machine, and if said Machine is completed, the light will change from green to red.

Although she can possess uncompleted machines as well. Once she's about to leave (presumably after 10 seconds), the Machine's light will flash blue, and she will pop out of the Machine. Interacting with the Machine while she's possessing it will have her pop out prematurely and deal a heart of damage to the player. Twisted Connie can also possess completed Machines.

"A more uncommon Twisted, Connie prefers to spend her time alone focused on possessing Ichor Machines. This activity fills her sense of purpose within Gardenview. When roaming she is harmless though if disturbed while busy possessing a machine she becomes aggressive and will attack, remember she can't possess a machine forever." - Twisted Research

Twisted Toodles

Twisted Toodles is a roaming Twisted that possesses no special abilities. Reflecting her childish counterpart, her attention span is weak, and she can easily lose track of the player. However, she is the third fastest Twisted in the game alongside Twisted Shelly and easily one of the biggest threats on any floor. Before update 0.2.0, Toodles was originally a common Twisted.

"Do not let this Twisted's size fool you. Toodles is a volatile Twisted that chases Toons with her high speed. Thankfully, this Twisted's attention span is 'rather low', so if you can get out of sight you should be safe from her." - Twisted Research

Rare Twisteds

Rare Twisteds have a spawn rate of 8 on a given floor.

Twisted Flutter

Twisted Flutter is a fast Rare Twisted who hunts down the toons similarly to Twisted Toodles. If you see this Twisted, get out of her sight, as her roaming speed is the same as her chasing speed.

While Twisted Flutter has an attention span similar to Twisted Toodles, she compensates for this with the ability to target a player even if the player isn’t in her line of sight. So, it’s important to stay as far away from her as possible, even if she isn’t facing you.

Twisted Flutter has the unique ability to not pause while roaming like other Twisteds. After attacking, she continues moving without interruption. The only way to stop her is by using the Blushy Bat Trinket.

"This Twisted is as dangerous as it is agile, constantly on the move with nimble speed and never stopping to rest. Flutter will quickly patrol the room for any easy targets, so be vigilant and hide when she's near." -Twisted Research

Twisted Gigi

Twisted Gigi is a medium-sized, roaming Twisted that shares a ranged ability similar to Twisted Goob and Twisted Scraps. However, Twisted Gigi can also steal your items during an attack, and her ranged attack doesn’t deal damage. She takes items in the order listed in your slots (1, 2, 3). If you don’t have items, she’ll attack at close range instead. Her speed is comparable to Twisted Astro, so it’s best to avoid her whether she steals your items or not.

"If you have your hands full with items, this Twisted is your worst nightmare. Gigi can snatch items from afar. Don’t let her steal your vital survival tools!" -Twisted Research

Twisted Glisten

Twisted Glisten has a meter above his head while he roams aimlessly around the map. This meter fills when a Toon stays away from him for 70 seconds. Once full, or when Panic Mode activates, Glisten becomes extremely fast and aggressive. His speed rivals that of Twisted Pebble, making him the second fastest Twisted in the game. When angered, he doesn’t directly chase players but continues to roam like a normal Twisted.

"This Twisted has had his sturdy ego shattered and is on the verge of being consumed by Ichor. Stay by his side to prevent his deterioration. Don’t leave him alone." -Twisted Research

Twisted Goob

Twisted Goob is a roaming Twisted that wanders the halls aimlessly. Reflecting his arm-stretching counterpart, Goob can grab players from range and drag them in for one heart’s worth of contact damage. His ability has a cooldown of 8 seconds.

Like other Twisteds, Goob needs line of sight to use his ranged attack. His ability won’t reach if there are objects in the way.

"Underestimating this Twisted’s abilities will be fatal. Goob can stretch his arms and snatch Toons from a distance. Get out of sight as quickly as possible when you see him!" -Twisted Research

Twisted Scraps

Twisted Scraps is a roaming Twisted who, much like her brother Twisted Goob, uses a ranged attack. She can attack players from a distance using her tail, dealing one heart of damage. This ability has a cooldown of 10 seconds.

Similar to other Twisted attacks, her ranged ability requires line of sight to deal damage. It won’t work through objects or barriers.

"This Twisted shares similar traits with her brother Goob. With a snake-like tail, Scraps can strike from afar. Always move quickly to avoid her gaze!" -Twisted Research

Main Character Twisteds

Main Character Twisteds have a unique spawning rate, which starts at 0 and increases by 4% for every five floors, up to 20%. Main Character Twisteds cannot spawn before Floor 5. Despite popular opinion, refusing to buy does not increase Mains spawning chance but instead allows Twisted Dandy to spawn. Buying itself does not increase the spawn of mains, but doing so makes sure Twisted Dandy is not added to the pool of twisteds that can spawn.

All Main Character Twisteds have unique sound effects associated with them, usually footsteps along with another ambient effect. This serves as somewhat of a counter to the Main Character Twisteds, as they can telegraph their position and give the player an idea of where they are a relative threat. If the Main Character Twisted’s footsteps are very vague, it probably means that the Main Character Twisted is very far from you and shouldn’t be worried about. Although, if the footsteps sound loud it probably means that the Main Character Twisted is very close to you, so make sure to be on high alert when the footsteps get louder.

Twisted Astro

Rare Twisteds have a spawn rate of 8 on a given floor.

Twisted Astro

Twisted Astro is a large, roaming Twisted that wanders the halls aimlessly. Reflecting his support-oriented counterpart, his unique ability allows him to regress machine progress if he is alerted by a missed skill check. Astro will drain about half the current progress of the machine, meaning his impact on barely completed machines is small, but it will be significant on almost finished ones. Twisted Astro also applies the SleepingTired (III) debuff if you are being chased by him. In addition, he has above-average speed, detection range, and a long attention span.

Twisted Astro has soft-sounding footsteps and an ethereal, space-like ambience that can make him hard to detect.

To avoid being affected by his SleepingTired (III) debuff, it's suggested to have Toons with high movement speeds such as Tisha, Pebble, or Goob to distract him. These Toons will use their stamina more slowly, making them effective distractions. Toons with lower movement speeds like Vee, Rodger, or Scraps are vulnerable, as they will quickly consume all their stamina. Using speed or stamina items can help you counteract the debuff.

"One of the Main Characters of Dandy's World. Overwhelmed by guilt and despair, this Twisted brings grief to others. If you fail a Skill Check and hide from him, Astro will steal progress from the Machine. Be careful with your Skill Checks!" -Twisted Research

Twisted Pebble

Twisted Pebble is a massive, roaming dog that growls loudly around the halls aimlessly, and is the fastest Twisted, with Twisted Glisten being close behind. His unique ability, the "bark," allows him to detect players from afar, so maintaining line of sight is important. However, Pebble has a modest attention span, making him easier to escape if the player can break line of sight.

Twisted Pebble’s fast speed makes him extremely difficult to outrun, particularly if you have average mobility and encounter him in tight spaces. His loud footsteps and feral growls serve as additional warnings.

Slower Toons should avoid getting chased by Pebble, as they are easily outrun. Staying behind cover and keeping track of his location is essential to avoid death.

Toons with 2-star movement speed can barely outrun Pebble before Panic Mode if they are sprinting and equipped with both Speedy Shoes and Pink Bow, but they’ll only be slightly faster (by 0.2 speed). Without items, Toons with 1-star movement speed will struggle to outrun Pebble.

"One of the Main Characters of Dandy's World. This vicious beast will defend his owner and territory without hesitation. His speed and strong vision make him highly dangerous." -Twisted Research

Twisted Vee

Twisted Vee is a large, roaming Twisted that wanders the halls aimlessly. Reflecting her media personality counterpart, her unique ability sends pop-up advertisements that players must close by clicking the red "X" button in the corner of the window. Failing to close these ads results in visual obstruction. She sends ads to all players upon entering a floor and at regular intervals of 45 seconds in batches of three.

If the player doesn’t close them in time, the ads will disappear just before the next set arrives. The pop-ups themselves do not harm players but can block skill checks, posing a distraction.

In addition, when Twisted Vee chases a player, she sends a special pop-up ad that inflicts a SlowSlow (II) debuff, making it hard to escape her.

Vee’s footsteps sound mechanical, and she leaves a trail of Ichor. She makes agitated electronic noises when she spots a player.

"One of the Main Characters of Dandy's World. This Twisted is always watching. She distracts with pointless ads and pop-ups, while also making progress in her deadly chase." -Twisted Research

Twisted Shelly

Twisted Shelly is a medium-sized, roaming Twisted that inflicts the ConfusedConfused (I) debuff on all players in the floor she’s on. This debuff reduces extraction speed by 25%. There is no known way to remove it. Shelly’s body, shaped like a theropod, gives her a high running speed similar to Twisted Toodles, making her very fast and difficult to outrun without trinkets.

Shelly’s low attention span compared to other main Twisteds (similar to Twisted Poppy) makes her more avoidable.

Her footsteps are similar to those of Vee, though more spaced out, like Pebble’s heavy steps.

"One of the Main Characters of Dandy's World. Shelly, filled with rage, slows down every Toon she comes across, using her formidable speed and ancient form to her advantage." -Twisted Research

Twisted Sprout

Twisted Sprout is a very large, roaming Twisted who spawns large puddles of Ichor with tendrils that stab at Toons when spotted. Upon noticing a player, Sprout will scream and cause tendrils to emerge from the ground, indicating an attack is imminent. These tendrils spawn every 10 seconds and remain for 15 seconds before submerging.

Despite his size, Sprout has below-average speed, a low attention span, and easy-to-dodge tendrils.

Sprout’s footsteps sound crunchy, like someone stepping on leaves, and each step leaves a small Ichor puddle behind that disappears shortly after.

"One of the Main Characters of Dandy's World. This twisted uses his slower speed as an advantage by summoning deadly tendrils that strike at Toons. Do not allow yourself to get trapped!" -Twisted Research

Lethal Twisteds

Lethal Twisteds currently have a unique way of spawning. They kill Toons in a singular hit.

Like Main Twisteds, Lethal Twisteds have sound cues that help differentiate them from normal Twisteds.

Currently, there is only 1 Lethal Twisted, with it being Twisted Dandy.

Twisted Dandy

Twisted Dandy is a massive, dangerous, roaming Twisted that wanders the halls aimlessly. Reflecting his enigmatic counterpart, he has a unique spawning condition that must be met before he has a chance to spawn; Players must not buy any item from Dandy's Store for at least three floors that it appears on.

Each time every surviving player skips a shop, Dandy will become increasingly upset. Upon skipping the third shop, Dandy will become angry, and Twisted Dandy will have a chance to spawn. On every subsequent shop that players skip, this chance increases. On the third time that players continue to ignore him, the music in his shop will stop, and Twisted Dandy is almost guaranteed to spawn on the next floor. Once this happens (or a player buys an item from his shop), Dandy returns to his cheerful self, and players must skip another three shops to have a chance to spawn Twisted Dandy again.

Twisted Dandy continuously emits the sound of a lullaby version of the music box "Clair de lune," and makes stomping noises as he walks. These sounds are loud enough to help players determine his location and whether he has spawned on a floor.

Twisted Dandy behaves like a regular roaming Twisted with average detection range, but with a very long attention span and the speed of Twisted Shrimpo. However, any player he successfully attacks will be instantly killed, making him a uniquely dangerous threat on any floor he appears on. Additionally, Twisted Dandy has the ability to immediately run at full speed for machines once a Toon finishes one.

Twisted Dandy is capable of killing players in one hit, regardless of their remaining hearts, making him the only character in the lethal category.

"The star of the show. The one who runs the Ichor operation. It's all his fault." -Twisted Research

Upcoming Twisteds

Possibly a twisted version of the newest reindeer toon, Rudie, along with the two new toons that are yet to be revealed.

🙆 Trivia 🙆

  • Almost all Twisteds exhibit mechanics or behaviors that reflect their Toon counterparts in some way.
  • Twisted Toodles has a low attention span, likely due to her young age.
  • Twisted Boxten and Poppy are among the most common encounters with simple, easy-to-avoid mechanics. In the game, their regular Toon versions are beginner characters available to the player. Both are common and have basic mechanics in public servers.
  • Twisted Brightney’s red light betrays her presence, much like how the regular Brightney's ability can expose Twisteds during a blackout. Additionally, Twisted Brightney can cause blackouts, whereas her Toon counterpart helps deal with them.
  • Twisted Finn’s mechanic, which gives the player a slow debuff after completing a machine, contrasts his Toon counterpart’s speed buff granted after a machine completion.
  • Twisted Teagan steals tapes from the Toons, while her Toon counterpart must collect tapes to heal herself.
  • Twisted Goob pulls Toons toward himself, while Twisted Scraps pulls the opposite direction (without the movement), mirroring their playable counterparts’ abilities.
  • Twisted Flutter’s agility and speed are reflections of her Toon counterpart's rapid movements and quick-dash abilities.
  • Twisted Gigi has the ability to take items from your inventory, while her Toon counterpart grants a random item instead.
  • Twisted Razzle & Dazzle alternate between two different states, similar to their playable counterparts' Comedy/Tragedy passive.
  • Twisted Rodger mimics the Research Capsule, similar to the detective passive in his Toon form, which grants players additional research, applicable to capsules.
  • Twisted Shrimpo, with his slow speed and persistent mechanics, reflects the original Shrimpo’s poor stats and playability. His sealed mouth with Ichor reflects his Toon counterpart’s all-caps dialogue, emphasizing his hatred for everything and everyone.
  • Twisted Pebble’s high speed mimics the playable Pebble, the fastest character in the game. Twisted Pebble’s ability to bark and locate players mirrors the regular Pebble’s Speak ability, which alerts Twisteds of his location.
  • Twisted Vee’s pop-ups are similar to regular Vee's Mic Check ability, an information-based ability with a cooldown, while running to failed skill checks echoes her Camera Hijack passive (gaining machine information under specific conditions).
  • Twisted Shelly reduces extraction speed, reflecting her normal counterpart’s ability to increase it. Furthermore, Twisted Shelly’s posture resembles that of the extinct Velociraptor, similar to her interest in extinct dinosaurs.
  • The lore suggests that Toons get confused because Shelly is forgotten or disliked by children. This leads to Toons being confused because they don't remember her.
  • Twisted Astro's stealth and quiet footsteps reflect the playable Astro’s highest stealth stat. His machine-regressing ability and tired debuff (slowing stamina regen) might be a counterpart to the playable character’s ability to restore stamina to nearby Toons.
  • Twisted Sprout can damage Toons from range, similar to how his Toon counterpart heals from range. Additionally, his impressive height exaggerates the size of Sprout in-game.
  • Twisted Dandy’s unique spawn condition mirrors the developer-restricted access of his playable counterpart. His attack may be linked to Dandy's Shop since both sell powerful items, with Twisted Dandy capable of dealing massive damage with a single hit.
  • Twisted Dandy is the only Twisted in the game that doesn’t have a publicly accessible Toon counterpart, making him a unique threat available only to developers (Qwel and others).
  • Twisted Pebble features in a game screenshot, where it's chasing Poppy and Boxten.
  • The only Twisteds whose base models have been heavily altered compared to their Toon counterparts are the Main Characters/Lethal Twisted Toons: Astro, Pebble, Vee, Shelly, Sprout, and Dandy.
  • These are the only Twisteds with additional sound cues such as footsteps and ambient noises.
  • Twisted Vee's ads depict her Toon counterpart in cartoon style, not her Twisted form.
  • All main Twisteds, except Astro, leave Ichor footprints as they move.
  • Twisted Razzle & Dazzle's vines can clip inside the elevator before the floor begins, and they can also appear on walls during certain spawns.
  • Twisted Sprout’s attack ability can spawn inside elevators, but it won't damage players inside.
  • The game tries to prevent two identical Twisteds from spawning on the same floor. However, this is not always guaranteed, especially on higher floors during alpha stages.
  • There was a past glitch where some Twisteds would appear invisible.
  • Twisted Vee's ad sound comes from Tower Heroes, specifically triggered when a mimic spawns.
  • Twisted Toodles was originally classified as a common-tier Twisted but was later upgraded to the uncommon tier.
  • You can hear a distorted lullaby version of *Clair de Lune* when Twisted Dandy appears.
  • Currently, Twisted Glisten is the only Twisted capable of speaking in-game.
  • Connie, Glisten, Razzle & Dazzle, and Rodger are the only Twisteds that can be approached closely by players without resulting in harm, under the right conditions.
  • Before update 0.3.0, the maximum number of Twisteds per floor was capped at eight.
  • As of the newest update, Twisted Shelly now applies Confused (I) rather than Confused (II).
  • Twisted Pebble is the only Twisted with a unique sound effect: the bark of one of the developer's dogs, as stated by Qwel in an art Q&A.
  • Purchasing items from Dandy’s Shop doesn't affect the odds of main characters spawning. Instead, the odds are based on the number of floors the player has descended. Conversely, avoiding purchases for three floors decreases the odds, as Twisted Dandy limits other Twisteds’ chances to make room for himself.
  • Before Twisteds were modeled, the Toon models were shaped as their Twisted versions and featured black Ichor-like markings.
  • Twisted Toodles' running/chasing animation has been modified multiple times after hackers/exploiters used it in early patches.
  • Twisted Finn’s sword and upright pose inspired the "art deco" features found in similar models.
  • Twisted Boxten resembles his early designs.




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