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Boxten Dandy's World

Boxten the Music Box, also known as Boxten. He's a purple music box with a patterned design, a blue bandana, and striped pants. Boxten is shy and introverted, with a focus on extraction. His ability enhances extraction speed based on teammates, but he's not ideal for solo runs. Best with a reliable team. He's either a free starting Toon or purchasable in Dandy's Store.

Boxten is a somewhat shy Toon. He is most comfortable around those he knows. He may not always know what to say, but he always tries to put a smile on a friends face.


Boxten Novalite information


  • Name Boxten
  • Role Extractor
  • Type Toon
  • Pronouns He/Him
  • Gender Male
  • Release Date 06/14/2024 (Alpha Release)
  • Health ♥ ♥ ♥


  • Skill Check ★ ★ ★
    (Chance 25%/Size 150/Value 2.0)
  • Movement Speed ★ ★ ★
    (Walk 15/Sprint 25)
  • Stamina ★ ★ ★
  • Stealth ★ ★ ★
  • Extraction Speed ★ ★ ★


  • Ability I
    This Toon gains 6% more Extraction Speed for every alive Toon in the round. Maxes at 48%.


  • Requirement I Obtain for free when first starting the game or 250 Ichor (if Poppy was chosen instead)

How to Obtain Astro's Vintage Skin

  • Finish 50 Machines!
  • Survive 25 Floors!
  • Travel 50000 Meters!
  • Pick up 30 Items!
  • Survive 1 Floors with 7 other Players in your round!
  • Use 30 Items!
  • Reward: Vintage Boxten Skin
Boxten Dandy's World
Boxten Dandy's World

💟 Strategies 💟

Boxten excels in Extraction, with an Extraction Speed that ranges from 1.06 to 1.48. At its lowest, his speed is above average, and at its highest, it's just 0.02 away from achieving a five-star rating. This makes Boxten an excellent choice for earning Ichor through Machines, especially in the early stages. However, Boxten is highly reliant on teammates to reach his maximum Extraction Speed, so if you prefer playing in smaller teams (1-4 players), you may want to consider other Toons better suited for this role.

Boxten's ability allows him to achieve near-5★ Extraction early on, but since these stats can be reached without using the ability slot (which is also a source of bonus Ichor), it's almost like playing without an ability at all. To make matters worse, Boxten’s ability depends on factors that are beyond your control, which places him in the "there are better options" category for those looking for consistent results.

Boxten Dandy's World
Boxten Dandy's World

Boxten's stat distribution is fairly balanced, meaning he doesn't have significant weaknesses, but he also lacks standout strengths. The best way to make the most of Boxten is by complementing any personal weaknesses with the right Trinkets.

Boxten is most effective in games with reliable teammates who can support his ability. However, he's not the ideal choice for solo runs, where his potential may be harder to fully realize.

Boxten Appearance

Boxten takes the form of a purple music box with a dark purple lid. The sides of his box feature a light purple pattern, consisting of square shapes with short lines extending inward from each corner. His torso matches the color of his lid, and he wears a blue bandana around his neck, paired with pants that complement the color of his bandana, accented with two darker blue stripes.

Boxten Personality

Boxten is a shy, introverted Toon with a tendency toward pessimism. He often overthinks situations and worries excessively, as seen in some of his interactions with Poppy and his dialogue. Boxten is eager to learn and approaches tasks with caution, fearing that he might make mistakes. His perfectionistic tendencies are clear, particularly when interacting with Cosmo, showcasing his desire to do things perfectly.

Boxten Dandy's World

Boxten Trinket Combinations

Some popular Trinket combinations for Boxten include Pink Bow + Blue Bandana, and Blue Bandana + Wrench/Vee's Remote.

These combinations enhance his Extraction Speed by 7.5%, thanks to the Blue Bandana. Pink Bow increases Boxten's overall speed, while Wrench gives an immediate 15 seconds of progress on the first machine he begins to Extract each Floor, and Vee's Remote helps finish the machine.

Given that Boxten's stats improve when your teammates survive, another effective strategy is to equip Vanity Mirror. This can assist your teammates during Panic Mode and boost your team's overall survival. For a more fun combo, consider using Friendship Bracelet alongside Boxten's team-focused ability, as it enhances both stamina and extraction efficiency.

💟 Boxten's Gallery 💟

Explore the visual design of Boxten in his gallery! See his unique look from all angles, including his patterned box and stylish bandana.

Boxten Dandy's World
Boxten Dandy's World
Boxten Dandy's World
Boxten Dandy's World
Boxten Dandy's World
Boxten Dandy's World
Boxten Dandy's World
Boxten Dandy's World

📺 Boxten's Videos 📺

See how Boxten extracts in these videos! Learn how his ability works with teammates and discover strategies for maximizing his potential in team play.

me and my sister met a rude/toxic boxten in dandys world.. | Dandy's World

Cloudy Dream...Total Boxten Victory! | Dandy's World

How To Draw Twisted Boxten from Dandy's World | Easy Drawing Tutorial

Solo BOXTEN Run (20+ Floors) | Dandy's World

Pro Boxten on a...Abnormal Run? | Dandy's World

(Dandy’s World) all your trinket are belong to me




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