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Connie Dandy's World

Connie the Ghost, also known as Connie. She's a light-blue ghost with a white visor, long dark hair, and a ghost tail. Connie is charismatic and snarky, but cares for her friends. She's good at surviving and extracting machines, with an active ability, "Connieability Haunting Escape" for escaping danger. Use trinkets to boost her speed and extraction. Players can purchase her in Dandy's Store.

As a ghost, Connie enjoys floating around and having fun! Sometimes she may cause a bit of trouble for her own enjoyment yet at the end of the day, she'll be there for her friends.

Connie Dandy's World

Connie information


  • Name Connie
  • Role Survivalist Extractor
  • Type Toon
  • Pronouns She/Her
  • Gender Female
  • Release Date 12/06/2024
  • Health ♥ ♥ ♥


  • Skill Check ★ ★
    (Chance 25%/Size 100/Value 1.50)
  • Movement Speed
    (Walk 10/Sprint 20)
  • Stamina ★ ★ ★
  • Stealth ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
  • Extraction Speed ★ ★ ★ ★


  • Ability I
    Haunting Escape
    This Toon uses her ability to become invisible for 5 seconds. Twisteds will not be able to notice her during this time, unless she is up against a Lethal Twisted which will still see her. Has a cooldown of 50 seconds.


  • Requirement I 2000 Ichor
  • Requirement II 50% Research on Twisted Connie

How to Obtain Connie's Vintage Skin

  • Use this Toon's Active Ability 100 times!
  • Survive 50 Floors!
  • Travel 55000 Meters!
  • Finish 50 Machines!
  • Survive 5 Floors with 2 other Players in your round!
  • Use 50 Items!
  • Reward: Vintage Connie skin
Connie Dandy's World
Connie Dandy's World

💟 Strategies 💟

Connie is an excellent Toon for surviving and extracting machines, though she does have some weaknesses. Her lower Movement Speed can cause her to run out of Stamina quickly, especially when trying to reach machines faster or escaping from Twisteds. The slow Movement Speed reduces her ability to escape from dangers efficiently, making Stamina management crucial for her.

Connie's active ability, Connieability Haunting Escape, can be a lifesaver in tricky situations. However, it's important not to rely on her ability too much. Using it all the time can leave you dependent on it to avoid Twisted attacks, which is not ideal. Save her ability for moments when it's truly necessary.

Also, note that while using Connieability Haunting Escape, Twisted Glisten's loneliness meter will remain unaffected, so this ability won't assist in reducing that particular threat.

Connie Dandy's World

Connie Appearance

Connie is a pale blue ghost with a white visor and long, darker hair. She wears a white shirt with grey buttons, and instead of traditional Toon legs, she has a ghostly tail. During Blackouts, Connie emits a faint light blue glow, adding to her ethereal presence.

Connie Personality

Connie is a charismatic yet snarky ghost who tends to exaggerate or lie about her accomplishments. Her cold demeanor often leads her to keep conversations with other Toons to a minimum, and she doesn’t express much emotion. Despite this, Connie is not mean-spirited and does care deeply for her friends, though she keeps her affection subtle.

Connie Dandy's World

Connie Trinket Combinations

Here are some Trinket combinations that can aid Connie in both extraction and survival:


Clown Horn / Ribbon Spool

This Trinket combination boosts Connie's walking and running speed by 10% on each floor, making her more agile and able to avoid danger more efficiently.

Pink Bow / Speedy Shoes

Similar to the previous combination, this set also enhances Connie’s walking and running speed, helping her navigate the map with more ease.

Vanity Mirror / Speedy Shoes or Alarm / Speedy Shoes

These Trinkets are highly recommended for Connie to help her reach the elevator faster, compensating for her lower movement speed.

Ghost Snakes In A Can / Sweet Charm

This combo reduces the cooldown of Connie's ability, allowing her to escape dangerous situations and Twisteds more effectively.

Vanity Mirror / Alarm

This Trinket combination helps Connie reach the elevator as quickly as possible, offering a significant speed advantage during panic moments.


Vee's Remote / Participation Award or Wrench / Participation Award

Despite Connie's less-than-ideal Skill Check, Participation Award helps to minimize the Skill Check penalty, making it easier for her to complete machines.

Participation Award / Magnifying Glass

While this Trinket combo is better suited for more experienced players, it helps Connie finish machines faster. However, the small Skill Check size may pose a challenge for some.

Blue Bandana / Machine Manual

This combination works well for Connie due to her high Extraction Speed. The Blue Bandana’s drawback of reducing Skill Check size is less of a concern for Connie, as her Skill Check stat is already low, and the overall 12.9% extraction speed boost is valuable.


Vee's Remote / Speedy Shoes or Wrench / Speedy Shoes (Survivability & Extraction)

This combination of Trinkets allows Connie to maintain her survivability while boosting her extraction capabilities, making her a reliable choice for any team.

🖼️ Connie's Gallery 🖼️

Explore the many facets of Connie, the charismatic ghost! This gallery is dedicated to highlighting her distinct appearance and personality. From snarky smirks to ethereal glows, see Connie in all her glory!

Connie Dandy's World
Connie Dandy's World
Connie Dandy's World
Connie Dandy's World
Connie Dandy's World
Connie Dandy's World
Connie Dandy's World
Connie Dandy's World

📺 Connie's Videos 📺

Witness Connie's ghostly powers in action in this video collection! See how she uses her abilities and strategies to survive and thrive in Dandy's World. Learn from the pros!


This Connie Run FILLED ME WITH RAGE!!! (i love Connie tho) | Dandy's World

Connie and Looey IS HERE (And I have a NEW FAVORITE TOON!) | Dandy's World

CONNIE HUNTING! | Dandy's World - Roblox

Connie is Literally INVINCIBLE… | Dandy’s World Connie Gameplay

Solo CONNIE Run (25+ Floors) | Dandy’s World Connie




All Main Toons have an additional star, bringing their total stars to 16 between their 5 stats.

However, they only have 2 hearts.

Shrimpo is also an exception to this rule, as he's a challenge character. Shrimpo has a total of 5 stars, split between the 5 stats.

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