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Pebble Dandy's World

Pebble, full name Pebble Dancifer Jr., is one of the 27 playable Toons in Dandy's World, added on June 14th, 2024. He is one of the 6 playable Main Characters and can be purchased in Dandy's Store.

Pebble does not currently have an Introduction Card.

Pebble Dandy's World

Pebble information


  • Name Pebble
  • Role Distractor Survivalist
  • Type Main Character
  • Pronouns He/Him
  • Gender Male
  • Release Date 06/14/2024 (Alpha Release)
  • Health 🖤 ♥ ♥


  • Skill Check ★ ★ ★
    (Chance 25%/Size 150/Value 2.00)
  • Movement Speed ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
    (Walk 20/Sprint 30)
  • Stamina ★ ★ ★
  • Stealth ★ ★ ★
  • Extraction Speed


  • Ability I
    This Toon can bark loudly, drastically decreasing Stealth to a value of -40 and alerting any Twisteds nearby to his location. Has a cooldown of 60.
  • Ability I
    This Toon can sniff out items, causing them to be highlighted when in the Toon's vicinity.


  • Requirement I 3750 Ichor
  • Requirement II 100% Research on Twisted Pebble
  • Requirement III Complete all Mastery Quests on Toodles

How to Obtain Pebble's Vintage Skin

  • Use this Toon's Active Ability 145 times!
  • Encounter 80 Twisteds!
  • Pick up 200 Items!
  • Reach Floor 20!
  • Survive 75 Floors!
  • Travel 175000 Meters!
  • Reward: Vintage Pebble Skin
Pebble Dandy's World
Pebble Dandy's World

💟 Strategies 💟

If you like zooming around the place, Pebble is the one for you. Having the highest Movement Speed in the game (5 Statistics Star) and a high Stamina stat (4 Statistics Star), Pebble possesses both high survivability and the ability to distract Twisteds proficiently. It is not recommended to focus on extraction with this Toon as his extraction is significantly lower than other Toons (although having a 3 Statistics Star Skill Check makes it a little more bearable). With Pebble, it is much better to distract as you will be able to distract all Twisteds, including his Twisted counterpart (with the right Trinkets). His only downside is his 3 Statistics Star Stealth, which can get in the way of low-Stealth Toons like Brightney, Shrimpo, Vee, Teagan, Looey, and Glisten, though this can be mitigated by the use of his active ability, Pebbleability Speak. Other Toons that have the same Stealth as Pebble can get in the way only if Pebble distracts very close to the Toon in question or turns a corner, so it's suggested to stay far away from other Toons and objectives when distracting with him.

Pebble's active ability is a very useful tool while distracting Twisteds. Pebbleability Speak is able to help save other Toons being chased by Twisteds by forcing the Twisteds to chase you instead. It alerts Twisteds to your location (like a failed Skill Check; most must be nearby to notice) and also lowers your Stealth by 50. This means that to steal aggro from other players you will still need to be in the Twisted's detection range, so be careful not to use it from too far behind if chasing a Twisted. Also, since they'll switch targets suddenly, be ready for a quick turn. If you are distracting in a narrow area and see that a Toon with lower or equal Stealth is attempting to get through the area, consider using Pebbleability Speak to reduce the risk.

Pebble's passive ability can help you find items quicker. Fetch can help you find useful items such as healing or speed items, the former of which should be pointed out to teammates if unneeded. You can use this to help Sprout find Tapes and items much faster to gain more heal ability uses, but that's only recommended if another Distractor is at work and your team is proficient with extraction. Fetch is great if you're searching for Research Capsules to grind Ichor or Research, but be careful to continue paying attention to your surroundings. Use Fetch while distracting Twisted Vee or Twisted Pebble to replenish item reserves more easily and detect emergency stashes. Do be aware that Fetch will still highlight the fake Twisted Rodger capsules, so take caution to inspect them before collecting. Fake capsules will appear thinner than real ones when highlighted, due to the lack of the strips of film surrounding it, so keep that in mind.

Pebble Dandy's World

Pebble Appearance

Pebble is a small rock-dog Toon with a fractured texture with smoothed-out sides, underbelly, and back. His main body and tail are a dark gray while his four legs are a lighter shade of gray. He has a black nose and big, white googly-like eyes. He has hollow clover-like designs on both of his cheeks that are the same color as his legs.

Pebble Personality

Not much is known about Pebble's personality, except for the fact that he acts like a dog, despite being a pet rock. He is affectionate and playful towards most Toons. He also seems to show concern for Dandy, his owner, according to one of his interactions with Astro. He cannot speak English but seems to be able to comprehend it, often growling and loudly barking whenever other Toons offend him.

However, Shelly and Vee's dialogues with Pebble suggest his barks function as a substitute and are able to convey meaning. Pebble seems to have some kind of eeriness to him, given his staring problem and tendency to weird or creep others out, as shown in his interactions with Sprout, Rodger, Toodles, Vee, and possibly Dazzle. This could also be due to his connection with Dandy, as he would be the one to be with him more frequently than the other toons.

Similarly to a real dog, Pebble also enjoys treats and is possibly being overfed at times by other Toons.

Pebble Dandy's World

Trinket Combinations

Pebble high survivability unlocks dozens of possible Trinkets combos, but most reccomended ones are:

Participation Award/Magnifying Glass(Extraction). This combo allows her to switch to Extractor gameplay, though Skill Check window will be quite small.

Clown Horn/Ribbon Spool(Movement Speed). If you want to zoom around, can also be used to become theoretically secondary distractor.

Sweet Charm/Ghost Snakes In A Can(Ability Cooldown). In pair with Rehearsal/Practice decreases cooldown from 25 seconds to 8. There are many different Trinket combinations you can use to help boost Pebble's capabilities in survivability and distracting.

For specific Trinket recommendations, here are some possible combinations:

Movement Speed

Dog Plush/Speedy Shoes

Useful for maximizing walk speed as Dog Plush and Speedy Shoes are the only consistently active walk speed increases, making them ideal for distracting Twisteds. A 15% walk speed increase means Pebble will outwalk all Twisteds except Twisted Vee (when she applies the Slow II debuff), Twisted Pebble, and Twisted Glisten (when enraged), though you can outrun all of them. This combination is the most recommended set for Pebble.

Ribbon Spool or Clown Horn/Dog Plush

If you and another Pebble are taking turns distracting each floor, you can use the Dog Plush with either Ribbon Spool] or Clown Horn depending on whether you're distracting in odd or even floors. The 20% walk speed increase will allow the Pebble who is distracting to walk at the same speed as Twisted Glisten while enraged and Twisted Vee while being inflicted with the Slow II debuff.

Dog Plush/Any

As Dog Plush allows Pebble to outwalk anything besides Twisted Pebble, Twisted Vee, and Twisted Glisten so long as Panic Mode is not active, basically any Trinket can be paired with it depending on what the player wishes to improve. Some notable examples that were not already mentioned include Alarm/Vanity Mirror for making Panic Mode less threatening, Spare Bulb if the darkness of Blackouts proves to be too difficult, or Pink Bow to make losing Twisted Pebble easier.


Wrench or Vee's Remote/Any

As both Wrench and Vee's Remote only work on the first machine of a floor, they are best used to minimize the number of difficult machines on a floor. Alternatively, either can be used to speed through early floors as quickly as possible if multiple Toons are using them. Pebble's high speed means you can use Vee's Remote more easily before it deactivates. Pairing one of these with Dog Plush creates arguably the best Pebble Trinket setup, but only if you are a backup Distractor (an extra Distractor in case the first is in trouble or dies).

Participation Award/Magnifying Glass

The combination of Participation Award and Magnifying Glass is ideal for a 1 Statistics Star extraction character because it maximizes the effectiveness of Skill Checks despite their limitations. Participation Award increases the frequency of Skill Checks by 25%, giving more chances to contribute, while Magnifying Glass adds a static 1.50 completion per successful Skill Check, ensuring consistent progress regardless of extraction level. Though both decrease Skill Check size (-10% and -33%), the added value from Magnifying Glass and the increased frequency from Participation Award make this setup effective for low-skill characters who can master precision. This helps for players who want to extract as Pebble.


Dog Plush/Megaphone

The reasoning for Dog Plush is in the Dog Plush/Any strategy above, and the Megaphone will allow Pebble more access to what is essentially his Ability, allowing him to get the Twisted's attention off lower Stealth Toons like Vee or Glisten when Pebble is on cooldown. This may be situational but useful nonetheless.




🙆 Trivia 🙆

There are currently 23 playable Toons and 4 unobtainable Toons.

This makes a total of 27 Toons.

All playable Toons have an associated Twisted, along with Dandy.

All Mains currently have no intro cards.

All Mains have an interaction with each other.

All Toons have a total of 15 stars, split between their 5 stats.

All Main Toons have an additional star, bringing their total stars to 16 between their 5 stats.

However, they only have 2 hearts.

Shrimpo is also an exception to this rule, as he's a challenge character. Shrimpo has a total of 5 stars, split between the 5 stats.

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