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Gigi Dandy's World

Gigi is a red Toon with a laid-back personality and a transparent head. She excels at Extraction but struggles with Stamina. Her ability, Random Item Icon Surprise!, grants random items, ideal for creating strategic advantages. Available in Dandy's Store.

Gigi is an excitable Toon who is always looking for the next fun adventure. As Gigi explores many places she often finds herself collecting fun items and souvenirs! Though she may not be one for sharing.

Gigi Dandy's World

Gigi information


  • Name Gigi
  • Role Extractor
  • Type Toon
  • Pronouns She/Her
  • Gender Female
  • Release Date 09/28/2024
  • Health ♥ ♥ ♥


  • Skill Check ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
    (Chance 25%/Size 250/Value 3.00)
  • Movement Speed ★ ★ ★
    (Walk 15/Sprint 25)
  • Stamina
  • Stealth ★ ★ ★
  • Extraction Speed ★ ★ ★


  • Ability I
    This Toon can grant herself a random item from any Tier (Dandy's Shop items included). Has a Cooldown of 80.


  • Requirement I 2000 Ichor
  • Requirement II 50% Research on Twisted Gigi
  • Requirement III Pick up 45 Rare or higher tiers Items

How to Obtain Gigi's Vintage Skin

  • Use this Toon's Active Ability 50 Times!
  • Finish 65 Machines!
  • Travel 85000 Meters!
  • Purchase 30 items from Dandy's Elevator Shop!
  • Pick up 150 Items!
  • Use 200 Items!
  • Reward: Vintage Gigi Skin
Gigi Dandy's World
Gigi Dandy's World

💟 Strategies 💟

Gigi excels at extracting machines, but her main drawback is her low Stamina—only 1 Statistics Star. This weakness makes escaping from Twisteds difficult. To compensate, it's highly recommended to use Endurance and Well-Paced cards to increase Gigi's Stamina to 120, which slightly improves her survivability. Prioritize stamina-boosting items over speed items when playing as Gigi.

Gigi’s Active Ability, "Random Item Icon Surprise!", relies on luck, but it can be more reliable with the right Trinkets. This ability allows you to obtain rare items like Health Kits, Smoke Bombs, Bandages, and Eject Buttons. You can store these items for future floors, which can be handy, such as using a Smoke Bomb when a fast Twisted appears or a Bottle o' Pop when Gigi’s Stamina runs low during a chase.

However, while "Surprise!" can provide useful items, it can also backfire. It has the potential to fill Gigi's inventory with unwanted items like Stopwatches, Jumper Cables, or Bandages. These items can block essential slots, preventing Gigi from picking up better items and can't be discarded immediately.

When healing items like Bandages appear, they can't be discarded if Dandy offers Medkits, leaving Gigi vulnerable with low Stamina. This may force her to take more damage, so use caution when considering her item choices. It’s important to weigh whether having a locked inventory slot is a real threat when using "Surprise!".

A good strategy is to use Stopwatches, Jumper Cables, and Valves as soon as possible to clear up inventory space, and always reserve at least one slot for mobility or critical items. Gigi can also benefit from more common items like Gumballs, Chocolate, and Stealth Candy to farm Tapes and free up inventory space for more useful items.

Gigi Dandy's World

Gigi's Appearance

Gigi is a red gachapon with dark red details. Her eyes are half-closed, likely due to her head's unique shape, and her eyelids are also dark red with two eyelashes beneath each eye. The upper part of her head is transparent and can open. She dons a light blue sweater with darker sleeves and neck, adorned with a yellow star at the center.

Her long sleeves extend past her hands, covering them entirely. Gigi also has dark red legs and light red soles on her feet, completing her distinctive look.

Gigi's Personality

Gigi is a laid-back, friendly Toon who loves chaos and enjoys teasing other Toons. She’s somewhat of a hoarder (or possibly a thief) and tends to be disorganized, as seen in her interactions with Tisha and Vee. Additionally, she doesn’t seem to be fond of keeping promises, as implied by her interactions with them.

Despite this, Gigi is a loyal friend to Toons like Poppy, Flutter, and Connie, and she enjoys spending time with them, making her a fun and dynamic character.

Gigi Dandy's World

Gigi Trinket Combinations

Here are some ideal Trinket combinations that Gigi can use:

Movement Speed

Pink Bow/Any

With her low Stamina, Pink Bow helps Gigi escape chases quickly while conserving Stamina. It also aids in reaching machines faster, and helps counter the Water Cooler's speed debuff better than Speedy Shoes when paired with it.

Vanity Mirror/Any

Gigi's low stamina can make it tough to reach the elevator on time, especially if she's being chased. Vanity Mirror helps by boosting her speed during Panic Mode, ensuring she’s more reliable in such situations.


Magnifying Glass/Participation Award

This combination helps Gigi capitalize on her high Skill Check stat, increasing her machine completion speed. With this, she also gets items to counter her low stamina, making it a great choice for confident and impatient extractors.

Vee's Remote/Any or Wrench/Any

Vee's Remote finishes a machine instantly (once per floor), speeding up progress, while Wrench can be used to slightly accelerate machine completion.


Friendship Bracelet/Any

Unlike Water Cooler, Friendship Bracelet doesn’t lower Gigi’s speed. However, it’s most effective when playing with a full team of 7 or more players.


Feather Duster or Bone/Any

Feather Duster regenerates 20 Stamina, while Bone grants a speed buff each time an item is picked up. These bonuses apply every time Gigi's Surprise! ability is used, turning her uncertain ability into a guaranteed buff, improving her overall performance.

Magnifying Glass/Water Cooler or Participation Award/Water Cooler

Water Cooler can help Gigi’s stamina but will slow her speed. This combination enhances Gigi’s survivability and boosts machine completion, making her more useful, despite the speed reduction. Careful management of her stamina and speed can yield great results.


Lucky Coin or Crayon Set/Pop Pack

This combo adds luck to Gigi’s playstyle, granting her an uncommon item and random effect on every floor. Pop Pack can also be used to generate Pop, potentially saving Gigi in dangerous situations due to her low stamina.

Ghost Snakes In A Can/Sweet Charm

These Trinkets reduce the cooldown of Gigi's ability, making it more reliable. With Sweet Charm, her cooldown is reduced to 67-69 seconds, which is especially useful during Mastery quests. Sweet Charm is more effective than Ghost Snakes In A Can in this case.




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