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Shrimpo the Shrimp, also known as Shrimpo is one of the 27 playable Toons in Dandy's World, added on June 14th, 2024. He is available to be bought in Dandy's Store.
Shrimpo is one angry shrimp! Often causing issues for Dandy and friends by making a mess and never learning his lesson! No one likes a bully!
It's not recommended to buy or play as Shrimpo unless one wants a self-imposed challenge, but just in case, here's some tips, tricks, and strategies to do decently.
If one does want to play as Shrimpo, extreme Stealth and patience is key. Since Twisteds will spot him easily, there is very little room for error, and getting chased can usually be a death sentence. As such, you may have to wait things out until you are absolutely certain the situation is safe to proceed. Items can also help greatly as Shrimpo's speed is easily one of his biggest hindrances, and Trinkets can help offset (however small) some of his drawbacks. In this sense, Shrimpo can be a great character to start learning the game with, as mistakes cost him more than they would any other toon.
Be careful with Twisteds like Toodles since her Speed is the same as Shrimpo. To best escape a lot of Twisteds, looping around any structure not connected to a wall is a good idea as it will allow you to stay out of sight while also running too far away.
If you are getting chased with no way out, try to get hit before a corner so you can quickly run behind that corner to get rid of their aggro on you. This is really only for if you're in a situation where you can't get away, but considering who you're playing as you can expect it a lot.
Shrimpo may find use from extracting machines near the Elevator as on earlier floors with good timing you should finish up around when most other machines are complete giving you a good head start on getting to the Elevator, something that is very due advantageous to the danger Panic Mode gives to Shrimpo, though with Vanity Mirror equipped, this can be avoided.
Despite his low Movement speed, Shrimpo does have one niche use in Kiting. If you see a Toon with low mobility (Such as Vee) being chased by a twisted that you do not believe they can outrun you can run up to them and gather attention from the twisted due to your catastrophically low stealth and run away. Either way you buy potentially life saving time for the more valuable Toon to escape. Despite this, Shrimpo's extremely low speed and stamina makes him unable to avoid Twisteds long enough to make use of his stealth in Kiting.
One very applicable skill Shrimpo has is watching Twisted Glisten. Because Shrimpo isn't exactly the best at Extracting, and is nearly incapable of kiting, leaving him to make sure Glisten doesn't become hostile whilst the other Toons handle bigger problems is a smart idea. Of course, you'll need to be told by your teammates when to get away from Glisten, as he becomes hostile regardless when Panic Mode happens.
Shrimpo is an abdomen of a shrimp with a perpetually angry face. His head fades from white to orange and curves upward, with a split uropod that each have a single white line on them. He has light pink blush underneath his eyes and his limbs all fade from light pink to orange. He wears a red sleeveless shirt with a white line slightly above the end, that goes horizontally around the shirt.
Shrimpo is a rather detailed, fleshed out character, showing a major depth as well as many changes throughout his personality similar to a lot of stereotypical "bully" characters in a lot of kid's shows.
Shrimpo is an abrasive, short-tempered Toon who is constantly angry. The most notable part of his personality is that he claims hatred for anything he sees, hears, or does. He shouts all of his dialogue (evident by said dialogue being in all caps) and verbally bullies the other Toons. In one of his conversations with Glisten, he shows no willingness to change for the better.
As Shrimpo's stats are abysmal down the board, most trinkets that provide percentage-based boosts to his movement or extraction speed are nearly useless.
► If you're looking to hit skill checks, Thinking Cap will be useful, but otherwise, only Wrench and Vee's Remote provide better extraction.
► The Magnifying Glass paired with Participation Award will provide a consistent boost of machine completion, however, do note that the Skill Check size will be reduced by -39.7% which is extremely hard to hit, making for a high risk, high reward strategy.
► If one would prefer to lean into having better mobility, Pink Bow can improve his movement speed, as well as the combination of Ribbon Spool and Clown Horn, while Speedometer or Friendship Bracelet will improve overall Stamina. Water Cooler is the best stamina buff he can receive, though the -5% speed modifier should be compensated for. Whatsoever, the -5% speed debuff is a small amount that could be barely noticeable, so Water Cooler is a good Trinket set nonetheless.
► As well, Vanity Mirror can provide Shrimpo with a support niche, as he can use his -99 Stealth stat to his advantage, providing a distraction for Toons making it back to the elevator.
► It is not recommended to use Diary on Shrimpo as multiplying a increaseful percentage with a negative number will worsen his Stealth.
For the true Shrimpo experience, It's recommended to solely use the Brick trinket, making it even more of a challenge to survive, so use it if you want a more serious challenge.
►There are currently 23 playable Toons and 4 unobtainable Toons.
►This makes a total of 27 Toons.
►All playable Toons have an associated Twisted, along with Dandy.
►All Mains currently have no intro cards.
►All Mains have an interaction with each other.
►All Toons have a total of 15 stars, split between their 5 stats.
►All Main Toons have an additional star, bringing their total stars to 16 between their 5 stats.
►However, they only have 2 hearts.