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Teagan Dandy's World

Teagan the Teacup, also known as Teagan is one of the 27 playable Toons in Dandy's World, added on July 12th, 2024, alongside Flutter, Shelly and Tisha. She is available to be bought in Dandy's Store.

Teagan loves to throw the most enjoyable little get-togethers. Tea parties are this Toon's specialty as she knows the perfect type of tea each Toon prefers.

Teagan Dandy's World

Teagan information


  • Name Teagan
  • Role All-Rounder Survivalist
  • Type Toon
  • Pronouns She/They
  • Gender Female
  • Release Date 7/12/2024 EST
  • Health ♥ ♥ ♥


  • Skill Check ★ ★ ★
    (Chance 25%/Size 150/Value 2.00)
  • Movement Speed ★ ★ ★
    (Walk 15/Sprint 25)
  • Stamina ★ ★ ★ ★
  • Stealth ★ ★
  • Extraction Speed ★ ★ ★


  • Ability I
    Tea Time
    This Toon can spend 100 Tapes to heal themselves by 1 Heart. Has a Cooldown of 100.


  • Requirement I 1250 Ichor
  • Requirement I Buy 25 Items from Dandy's Elevator Shop

How to Obtain Teagan's Vintage Skin

  • Use this Toon's Active Ability 25 times!
  • Encounter 25 Twisteds!
  • Travel 75000 Meters!
  • Purchase 15 items from Dandy's Elevator Shop!
  • Pick up 60 Items!
  • Use 60 Items!
  • Reward: Vintage Teagan Skin
Teagan Dandy's World
Teagan Dandy's World

💟 Strategies 💟

Teagan is pretty versatile, but doesn't exactly focus on a certain niche as a result. She can be good for solo runs and she has impressive survivability. Their playstyle can vary based on what you want.

If you use her as a distraction-oriented Toon, they have self-sustain and above-average mobility stats, with their Movement Speed being 3 stars and Stamina being 4. She is not able to outwalk Twisteds, making being the designated distractor only viable if you're very skilled, but their low Stealth makes it possible and easy to help teammates out of tricky situations.

They use a lot of Tapes as part of her active ability Teaganability Tea Time, so you want to gain as many Tapes as you can. As Tapes can be found everywhere on the map, mobility and exploration are key to using her effectively. It's important to note that Health Kits and Bandages are quite scarce in the first place, and by the time you reach around floor 12+, you have a lot of Tapes that you have not spent, so asking teammates to let you pick up extra Tapes will help turn the excess into a very big help.

Other activities that produce Tapes are picking up items, encountering each Twisted for the first time on the floor, using her ability (not sustainable as a source), and surviving the floor. Thus, it is recommended to pick up any items that aren't valuable to your teammates if you have room in your inventory to immediately use them (Gumballs, Skill Check Candies, and Stealth Candies being some of the least useful) and complete as many machines as possible. Picking up Valves and Jumper Cables is a great option. It is not recommended to go out of your way to encounter Twisteds, but waiting by the elevator during Panic Mode and stepping out quickly once all of your teammates are safe to aggravate them and then getting back to safety can help get you the extra you need.

Teagan also excels in solo runs, as the user can hog all the Tapes to themselves in addition to intentionally encountering Twisteds/using up every low-utility Item for Tapes. Though, the absence of others does increase the amount of healing items one can take for themselves. Her Brightney-like mobility leads to her being able to escape difficult situations a respectable amount of the time.

She also excels at doing Dandy Runs because Health Kits and Bandages are already pretty rare to find on floors. Since she benefits from Tapes in a run that makes them useless, ask your teammates to leave all Tapes for her to pick up unless Sprout is also present, as his ability also relies on Tapes.

Her best Trinkets depend on what you want to use them for. If you want to be a distractor Teagan, you want to get mobility Trinkets that can help make up for her 3-star Movement Speed. Trinkets like Dog Plush or Pink Bow can aid in her mobility, allowing they to reach Tape sources faster as a bonus. If you want to be an extractor Teagan, you want to get extractor Trinkets that can help her extract faster. This is a good choice because completing a machine awards 10 Tapes. Trinkets like Magnifying Glass or Vee's Remote can help her with that strategy. If you'd rather be a generalist, Dandy Plush can significantly help her, as their playstyle is based around consuming large amounts of Tapes regularly, and in the case of an event you happen to find very good items in Dandy's Shop, this Trinket will mitigate the strain on your wallet.

Teagan Dandy's World

Teagan Appearance

Teagan is a white tea cup with a light yellow base, scalloped edge, and body. She has golden eyeshadow and droopy, black eyes with two eyelashes on the bottom. She wears a long, V-necked dress the same shade as her eyeshadow with three tiny, light gold stars in the top right, bottom right, bottom left, and back of the dress.

She wears two golden gloves and holds a fluffy white boa shawl around her neck. She has sweet tea inside of her head (confirmed in her dialogue with Finn) and also has a black bottom lip.

Teagan Personality

Teagan is a kind Toon who likes to invite the other Toons to her tea gatherings. She knows how to make the teas suitable for the other Toons and has memorized their favorite kinds of tea, which is said in their introduction card and proven by their interactions. She is also calm and composed.

They also seem to like to keep etiquette, based on her interaction with Pebble and Rodger where they say they make sure no Ichor gets on her boa.

Teagan Dandy's World




🙆 Trivia 🙆

There are currently 23 playable Toons and 4 unobtainable Toons.

This makes a total of 27 Toons.

All playable Toons have an associated Twisted, along with Dandy.

All Mains currently have no intro cards.

All Mains have an interaction with each other.

All Toons have a total of 15 stars, split between their 5 stats.

All Main Toons have an additional star, bringing their total stars to 16 between their 5 stats.

However, they only have 2 hearts.

Teagan is also an exception to this rule, as he's a challenge character. Teagan has a total of 5 stars, split between the 5 stats.

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